On June 24, 2020, the so-called anti-crisis Shield 4.0 regulations entered into force introducing to the acts on income taxes i.a. an episodic exemption from the tax on revenues from buildings and shortening the period after which a taxpayer is entitled to take advantage of the so-called bad debt relief. Exemption from tax on revenues from buildings New […]
Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 already in force
The so-called Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 regulations have entered into force on 16 May 2020. Please find below a summary of the most important changes. SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS Extension of the exemption – individuals conducting business activity and paying social security contributions will be allowed to benefit from social security contributions’ exemption for April and May […]
Bad debts relief in VAT
Despite “Anti-Crisis Shield” due to COVID-19, it is worth remembering about the permanent solution in the Polish VAT Act that allows reducing or deferring the VAT liability, so-called “bad debts relief“. The requirements to correct the sales VAT related to the bad debts relief are as follows: The taxpayer may correct the tax base and […]
Financial Shield – how you can benefit
In the next few days, the first applications of large companies for refunding their business activity within the so-called “Financial Shield” are expected. The formal introduction of the program for these beneficiaries still depends on its notification by the European Commission. However, submission of the initial application is already possible – detailed qualification and refunding […]