Tax changes introduced as of 1 January 2022 (the so-called Polish Deal) have caused major uncertainties when calculating salaries for employees. For this reason, the Ministry of Finance decided to introduce new legislation which aims at simplifying tax settlements. Tax changes are already in force and will apply to settlements as of the beginning of […]
The obligatory KSeF as of 2024
The EU draft decision issued on June 10, 2022, says that the obligatory KSeF will be implemented in Poland from 2024 at the earliest. What’s important? the obligation of electronic invoicing will cover all transactions made by taxpayers based in Poland, which currently require issuing an invoice in accordance with the Polish VAT Act; the […]
“The Polish Deal” lowered the limit for cash payments from PLN 15,000 to PLN 8,000
In the act dated on October 29, 2021, signed by the Polish President on November 15, 2021, amending the act on personal income tax, the act on corporate income tax, and some other acts, the so-called “The Polish Deal” was made also an amendment to the regulations of the Entrepreneurs’ Law, which cover a new […]
Lump-sum taxation – is this the moment to change your PIT settlements?
As of 2021, the legislator decreased the rates of lump sum PIT. For most of the taxpayers, it was not enough to change their PIT settlement method. However Polish “Governance” Act may be a deal-breaker in this respect – due to the introduction of 4.9% health insurance contribution calculated on actual income effective burden rate […]
Branches of foreign entities in Poland – get ready for the difficulties
The approach of Polish tax authorities to the status of branches of foreign entities in Poland is very specific and causes a lot of confusion not only for taxpayers but also for the tax authorities themselves. Below you will find a short summary of what foreign entities may expect when establishing a branch in Poland. […]
What has changed in the “Polish New Deal” package in comparison to its initial version?
Please find below our brief summary: CIT/PIT Introduction of so-called minimal tax (amounting to 10% of tax basis) for companies and tax capital groups (i) which incurred operational loss or (ii) in case of which ratio of operational income to operational revenues does not exceed 1%; Decrease from 9% to 4.9% of non-deductible health insurance […]
A new innovation package for entrepreneurs
A draft of the tax act has been published to introduce a tax relief system for companies in CIT and PIT. The system of reliefs is intended to encourage entrepreneurs to innovations and will include the following elements: research and development relief supporting works on a new product, service, or process; relief for employing innovative […]
Repatriation Program
The Ministry of Finance presented details of the so-called Repatriation Program, which aims at (i) encouraging Polish citizens to return to Poland and (ii) creating favorable conditions for investments and family business in Poland. Below we present the main assumptions of the Program. Relief for return Individuals living and working abroad for at least 3 […]
WHT regime postponement in Poland
On 11 June 2021 draft regulations introducing the postponement (for the sixth time!) of the mandatory WHT pay-and-refund regime until 31 December 2021 were published on the RCL website. As the Ministry of Finance clarifies, the postponement results from the exceptional conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes it unreasonable to burden payers and taxpayers […]
“Polish Deal” – the announcement of major changes in taxes
The Polish government presented a draft package of tax and social changes, the so-called Polish Deal. General concepts of planned changes have been presented, however, we will wait for draft legal acts until the third quarter of 2021. The planned changes to the tax law presented so far relate primarily to the issue of taxation […]