Since 15 November 2021, each VAT payer must notify the Tax Administration of the bank account numbers (domestic and foreign) used to receive and remit payments in connection with VAT transactions. The deadline is 30 November 2021, at the latest. VAT payments from customers, VAT claims, and VAT overpayments from Tax Administration shall be received only […]
VAT in the CEE – the most important changes in 2021
Take a look at the changes: __ Poland SLIM VAT – changes in Poland as of January 2021 SLIM VAT is a package of changes which should make the VAT easy to use, adapted to the local specificity of the country in which it operates. The SLIM VAT package implements the changes to VAT as […]
VAT in the CEE – the most important changes
Selected changes in the VAT ___ Poland JPK_VAT implementation – the entry date 1 October 2020 Before October 2020 the Polish taxpayers had to submit to the tax authority mandatory two filings separately: VAT return and SAF-T file. As of 1 October 2020, the Polish taxpayers are obliged to submit JPK_V7M (monthly VAT reporting) or […]
Slovakia: Proposed changes in VAT taxation to be effective from 2021
VAT changes from 1 January 2021: On 26 August 2020 SK Government approved the proposal of the amendment to Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on VAT. The amendment transposes European law as regards certain value-added tax obligations for supplies of services and distance sales of goods, into local tax legislation. Proposed changes should come into force […]
Transfer pricing obligations across CEE countries (Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary) in 2019 – 2020
Transfer pricing regulations around the world grow at a fast pace as a result of the implementation of the Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) developed by OECD in national tax environment recommendations. Local regulations introduce specific transfer obligations that are relevant exclusively for local entities, such as Transfer Pricing rules applicable for Polish CIT and PIT […]
Investing in CEE region – Poland / Slovakia / Czech Republic / Hungary
Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are key CEE countries, attracting investments from all over the world. And although one would expect that it would be Poland – the biggest economy, country, and nation among CEE countries – who will excel, yet it seems that foreign investors prefer rather Slovakian, Czech or Hungarian economy. […]
Slovakia is implementing tax relief measures
Last week the Slovak government has taken measures to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crises in the financial area. These measures have been approved by Slovak parliament on April 2nd, 2020, and come into force as of April 4th, 2020. The changes concern various tax regulations and are adopted due to the situation in […]